iPi Soft Fall 2017 Newsletter
Limited-time Thanksgiving Discount
We are pleased to announce a special Thanksgiving 30% discount on our complete line of markerless motion capture software. This promotional offer is valid until November 27, 2017. Please use the coupon code TH2017 in online order form accessible through our Online Store.
Welcome… Lights, Camera And Action (Cameras)
Welcome to our latest e-newsletter designed to keep our loyal customers up-to-date on the latest enhancements to our mocap software products, and aware of innovative projects featuring our technology.
Traditionally, autumn is a symbolic reminder of the power that Mother Nature has on all of our lives. One of the ways creative pros capture the awesome beauty of the natural world is via action cameras, such as those from GoPro, Sony, Garmin and YI4K. iPi Soft is happy to report that we are actively working towards support for action cameras, which will benefit users with a wider viewing angle, much bigger capture area for content creation and ability to utilize space more efficiently.
While that’s one of the many new capabilities we’re working on, we have already announced several enhancements that are proving hugely beneficial to our users (see below).
Additionally we hope to unveil the next level of markerless motion capture technology in early 2018, more details on that will follow in our next newsletter.
With all best wishes to your continued creative success,
Michael Nikonov
iPi Soft Founder/Chief Technology ArchitectLogitech Camera Support
Thanks to our recent software updates, we now offer iPi Mocap workflow performance to Logitech C922 camera users. This capability allows artists higher resolution and detail to accurately capture complex motions in bigger capture areas. We’ve also just added new sample projects on our website recorded with Logitech here.
Recent Development Milestones
Knowing that our customers demand a markerless motion tracking software that delivers exceptional processing speed optimization and tracking accuracy, we have made several substantial feature upgrades released this year to include:
• iPi Mocap Version 3.5, which revealed 2.5 times faster tracking speed when used with a Kinect sensor setup, as well as enhanced animation export functionality. Click here for additional details;
• iPi Mocap Version 3.6, offers users a new calibration algorithm for the light marker method, with vastly increased speed and better accuracy, as well as much faster applying data from motion controllers;
iPi Soft Aides Alzheimer’s Research
Markerless motion capture has numerous applications beyond the entertainment industry. In fact, researchers at the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center (the RADC), a department at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, are using iPi Motion Capture in several large ongoing studies to measure and record more than 2,000 individuals’ motor performances. Click here to read more about this fascinating use of our technology in Computer Graphics World.
New Film Contest Winners
For more than five years we’ve sponsored the iPi Soft Filmmaking Competition inviting our users to submit their best original work for the chance to win a year’s subscription to our popular iPi Mocap Studio Pro software package.
The contest offers budding filmmakers and animators not only the chance to win our prize, but has helped artists find a wider audience for their creativity, and has been a useful tool that helps us at iPi Soft see how we can gear our development efforts to better suit artist needs.
When we first started the contest, we couldn’t have imagined that a half-decade later we would see such high caliber work, yet that’s exactly what is happening. Below is a look at some of our most recent winners.