iPi Soft

Motion Capture for the Masses

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Archive for the ‘Contest’ Category

Precursors – July Competition Winner

Posted on: August 5th, 2013

July Contest Winner – “Precursors” sci-fi CG

Description from the author, Michael Davydov:

Almost every animation was made with the help of two Microsoft Kinects and an iPi Soft DMC. Except for running sequences and a few other animations, like the first shot with Guard standing in front of a door, animation of one Guard in ambush, close-ups.

Every animation was then refined with the build-in filters of iPi DMC, then brought into 3ds max CAT rig, and adjusted and refined further there.

We also used Endorphin to create ragdoll dynamics in the starship scene.

Kinects were upgraded with vibro-motors. One was made from a USB fan, and another was made from an old shaver. Vibrations helped to isolate pattern projections for each kinect, and make overall quality of recordings about 2 times better. Can’t wait to get my hand on Kinect 2.0, I hope iPi guys are ready to add support for them as soon as possible, after the release!

See video and making of: http://blog.ipisoft.com/2013/07/july-contest-and-the-winner-is.html


Head Tracking with Sony Move Controller Tutorial

Posted on: March 8th, 2013

Jomario Murta’s tutorial shows a clever and innovative use of iPi Mocap Studio. Sony Move controller is used to track head! Submitted to iPi Monthly Competition.

iPi February Competition Winner: Chrome-Man Dancing

Posted on: February 28th, 2013

iPi February Competition Winner: Chrome-Man Dancing

We had a lot of discussions in our team regarding  which is the best of submitted videos. Finally, we decided that the winner is Kirill Zemskov with “Chrome-Man Dancing” piece!

Our congratulations!

Making of video:

iPi January Contest Winner Announced!

Posted on: January 31st, 2013

iPi January Contest Winner Announced! Our congratulations to Dane Toney!

iPi December Competition Winner: 10 Ways to Defeat Aliens

Posted on: December 31st, 2012

iPi December Competition Winner: 10 Ways to Defeat Aliens. Not sure which is the best way to get rid of aliens invading your house? See Jesse Griffith’s winning entry!

iPi November Competition Winners Announced!

Posted on: November 30th, 2012

iPi November Competition Winners Announced!

We received a number of really good animation works so it was not easy to choose a winner. Eventually we decided that we will have two winners in November. And the winners are…

Kostas Zarifis/ Kinesthetic Games, with Kung Fu Superstar:

and Carlos Vivas, with “Gas Station”, A Horror Night!